
Ork vs space marines
Ork vs space marines

ork vs space marines

The size/strenght of an average Ork varies depending on how much the mob they are in has been fighting. grow much bigger and stronger and eventually a rare few Orks reach a physical state where they are a match for a Primarch even. As they get older and grow the Boyz, the ScarBoyz, the Nobs etc. The Yoofs are runty and though already strong compared to a regular human they are no match for Astartes. Orks on the other hand get bigger and stronger by fighting and gaining underlings. Therefore there can be said to be a "average" space marine physical strength. While certainly some Astartes are exceptionally strong compared to the rest, they have all gone through similar (aside from geneseed differences and the new Primaris upgrades) improvements and are all from already chosen from tough human stock so majority are likely at quite similar physical condition. There is a much bigger variation of strength among Orks than Astartes.

Ork vs space marines